Jin Zhao

I am a Ph.D. candidate at Brandeis University, advised by Professor Nianwen Xue, in computer science with a focus on natural language processing and computational linguistics.

I am interested in computational framing analysis, particularly through the lens of event relation analysis. My research explores how relationships between events—such as coreference and causality—can reveal underlying perspectives or attitudes in media. I have conducted studies on cross-document event coreference and causal relations to understand how events contributed to framing in different contexts and sources. My research aims to deepen insights into the role of event relations in shaping public perception and discourse, ultimately advancing methods for detecting and quantifying media framing in natural language processing.

I am also involved in the Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) project, contributing to the development of UMR datasets. I have extensive experience in Chinese UMR annotation and analysis. Additionally, I create and maintain web-based tools for the UMR community: UMR Writer and Chinese PropBank Lookup.

In addition to research, I serve as a teaching assistant in NLP courses and is actively involved in mentoring and supporting student researchers in the computational linguistics community.

Email: jinzhao at brandeis dot edu
Address: Volen Center for Complex Systems 109, Brandeis University, 415 South St. Waltham, MA 02453